Money Advice Plus
Specialist debt and benefit advice, casework and support.
01273 664 000
Money Advice Plus | Community Roots
Here to help Brighton & Hove residents save money, make money and manage their money better. The services are for anyone who is struggling to make ends meet. Drop-ins and helpline support.
Helpline: 0800 988 7037
Citizens Advice Brighton and Hove
Provide free confidential and impartial advice
08082 78 78 15
Citizens Advice Brighton & Hove
St Lukes Advice Service
Provides free advice, information and help with form filling in relation to debt, benefits and pension credit.
01273 549203
Home – St Luke’s Advice Service
Possability People
Disability advice centre can help with disability advice, welfare benefits and a range of other issues. Can help with enquiries about;
Disability benefits (ESA, UC, PIP, AA, Carers Allowance, WTC).
- Disability benefits appeals
- Some pension credit enquiries
- Some Council Tax enquiries
- Fuel debt or changing fuel providers
- Utilities debt
- Information on equipment or assistive technology
- Accessible holidays
- Food bank referrals
Advisors are available by telephone, from 10am – 4pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (closed Wednesdays). 01273 894050.
If you are deaf or had of hearing text us on 07718 42 42 14
Disability advice in Brighton and Hove – Possability People
Youth Advice Centre in Brighton
Offers housing advice, family mediation, floating support, advice and support around emotional health and wellbeing and debts and benefits. Budgeting and money management advice and support with benefit claims. Access to specialist benefit advice.
01273 624432
YMCA Youth Advice Centre (YAC) in Brighton – YMCA DownsLink Group (
The Financial Support Line for Victims of Domestic Abuse
Financial support for victims of domestic abuse.
01323 635 987
Armed Forces Network
If you or a close member of your family have served or are serving in the UK Armed Forces there is help and support available.
01273 403693